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Ground up change starts with us.

Equity for Everyone

TOMS has a long term commitment to ensure our company and culture is rooted in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Anti-Racism.

In order to make smart, long-term improvements to our products and practices, we’ve identified six key commitments, which will carry us through 2025.

After all, none of us can truly thrive until all of us can thrive.

We support our employees.

Our employees are passionate about our mission, and feel it's important that they have plenty of opportunities to get to know our partners and their work firsthand. So we’ve built them into our company culture.

Employee Volunteering

Once a year, we dedicate a full workday to volunteering with community organizations, taking part in activities that bring us closer to their work and the communities they serve.

Our Partners

As a proud member of the Fair Labor Association, we work hard to identify long-term suppliers that share our values and conduct their businesses ethically—engaging with workers, ensuring safe working conditions, and demonstrating a strong sense of environmental responsibility. Third-party auditors help us make sure that factories continue to meet our requirements, year after year.

All cards on the Table

There’s no smoke and mirrors here. Transparency is truly in our DNA. It’s why we publish our annual Impact Report—to share highlights from the past year, commitments for the next, adventures and learnings along the way. At its heart, it captures all the good made possible by you.

Wear TOMS. Wear Good.

Read the impact Report 2023

Read More About Our Impact